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Grond: The Raven High

The premise of "Grond: The Raven High" by Yuri Hamaganov is simple: the world is in ruins and its resources exhausted because of humanity's abuse. Water is in very short supply. Seven bio-engineered humans called "the changed" are billions of people's only hope. One of the youngest of the "changed" is Olga who lives high above the Earth in a manufacturing facility that circles the Earth. She is young but far superior to an average human and lives with her "nanny" who is an android charged with training Olga for her purpose in life. Little does Olga know that there are others who do not wish her to succeed and will do anything to ensure that she fails. I found the story intriguing and I grew to like Olga's character very much. There are a few times when the writing changes from past tense to present tense and back again and I found that it distracted me from the story itself. Mind you, I think the copy I read is not the final product so don't let that dissuade you from reading the book. As I said, the story is fascinating, original and worth a read. I am really hoping that there will be a book two as I really enjoyed the world that Yuri Hamaganov created. I received a copy of this book from the publishers via Netgalley for free in exchange for an honest review.

Three out of Five Stars

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