The Noose's Shadow by Graham Brack
This is the first historical mystery starring Master Mercurius that I have read although it is fourth in the series. I am a huge fan of historical mysteries. The Cadfael Chronicles and Sir John Fielding series come to mind but there are so many others I could mention.
Master Mecurius is back home at the University of Leiden after an important visit to England. He quickly becomes involved in the mysterious murder of a cantankerous farmer named Wolf. Wolf's neighbor Jaco has been accused of the murder but Jaco's wife is certain her husband is innocent and asks for Master Mercurius's help to uncover the truth.
The series takes place in 17th century Netherlands. The author describes this time period so well with so much descriptive detail including clothing, customs, and behavior. This is why I love historical mysteries. A good author can bring the people and times to life so well by the research they do and the way they write what they have learned about it. Non fiction can be dry and objective although I do like non fiction as well. A good historical mystery author can make you feel as if you have gone back in time. Master Mecurius is a very likeable character. The only issue I had is his obsession over women. Every time he saw them, there was a detailed description of their "virtues". I can understand setting the stage for the storyline but it became a bit mundane and repetitive. The point was made that he found the women attractive and it was a bit of a quandary considering his lifestye but to repeat the same over and over detracted from the story for me. Other than that small blip, I really enjoyed the story itself. I am planning to read the first three books in the series. I found the book could be read as a standalone but it seems like it would be beneficial and enjoyable to read the series itself.
3/5 Stars
