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The Woman Outside My Door by Rachel Ryan

Children and their imaginary friends. What if you had a gut feeling that the imaginary friend is all too real? Definitely a mother's worst nightmare come true.

The Woman Outside My Window is psychological suspense and is a debut novel by Rachel Ryan. The story starts off very quickly and doesn't let up at all. I made the mistake of starting it in the evening and ended staying up very late because I could not put it down. The characters are all very well fleshed out and Georgina, in particular, was a very effective narrator. I went from wondering if it was all in her head to the ida that there was really something going on. There were so many twists and turns throughout the book that I wanted to continue reading. It is a simple storyline but the author manages to keep the momentum going very well. All in all, it is definitely a solid debut. I will definitely be looking forward to reading more by Rachel Ryan.

3/5 Stars


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