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Ghost Virus

Where to begin with this one? ......For some unknown reason, I have never read any of Graham Masterton's books so when the chance came up to read an ARC of "Ghost Virus", I jumped at the chance for an introduction to his work. I have never read anything quite like "Ghost Virus". After a young woman looking forward to her promising future and marriage dies a gruesome death by pouring sulphuric acid on her face, DC Jerry Pardoe and DS Jamila Patel are faced with an incomprehensible reality. Their search for the truth about this terrible tragedy is connected by even more horrible crimes that force them to confront the impossible. I do not want to say more than that because I really do not like to have spoilers in my reviews. I have read similar books and stories about haunted or possessed items but this one stood out from the others for a variety of reason. I absolutely adore the characters of DC Pardoe, and DS Patel. I really would love to see another b00k continuing the story of these characters. They were very complex and well developed and I found much of the book derived its strength from these characters and their interactions with each other and the investigation at hand. Graham Masterton must have done much research about Muslims and I found the information provided quite accurate and very pertinent to the story especially with the first known victim. I have to admit I also found it interesting and entertaining to learn about current British lingo especially regarding the names of street drugs and other slang words ( I am Canadian). All in all, I found Graham Masterton's writing to be solid and fluent and I enjoyed this book enough to try another one. I wish I had discovered his books before now but I look forward to reading more of his novels. I received a copy of this book from Head of Zeus via Netgalley for free in exchange for my honest review. Thank you so much for allowing me to read this novel.

Three out of Five Stars!

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