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What Blooms from Dust

What Blooms from Dust is an unlikely combination historical/supernatural mix that the author actually manages to pull off very well. In fact, it was one of my favorite reads of 2018 for a variety of reasons. Jeremiah Goodbye is set to be executed but is given a "reprieve" by an act of God; a tornado tears down the prison walls giving Jeremiah the chance to escape and start again. Along the way to settling a score with his twin brother, Jeremiah encounters a young boy and together they set off to Jeremiah's hometown. When they arrive, they find the townspeople cowed and afraid; weighed down by the dust storms that constantly test their strength and resolve. Jeremiah decides to uncover the truth behind the murders he was accused and found guilty of committing, and also help the townspeople in their time of need (mainly through the actions of his sweet sidekick). There are so many elements to this novel that make it stand out for me. One key is the theme of deciding actions based on the flip of a coin, and another is Jeremiah's seemingly supernatural gift. This story takes place during the dustbowl of the 1930s and is described so well that you can almost feel the dust settling in your lungs and clothes. There is a beautiful balance between historical fact and subtle supernatural people and happenings that mesh very well. To be honest, the book has a bit of the flavor of Stephen King's earlier works to me. In essence, it is a story of strength in the face of adversity and the small miracles that help us to cope and survive.

4/5 Stars

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