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The Raven

I love the idea of Raven by Jonathan Janz. An apocalypse is brought about by rogue scientists who find a way to release mythological creatures that lie dormant in our genes. Human survivors who do not mutate are forced to play cat and mouse in order to survive in this new post-apocalyptic world. The book was chock full of gory action and I definitely got a feel for how it might feel to live in this new world. I understood a bit of the main character's background and what made them tick but was left wanting to know a bit more about them and also more details about the mythological creatures themselves. I keep hearing that he is planning to continue this story and I hope so because I really enjoyed the storyline and found the book tantalizing and just not enough for only one book. Thank you to Flame Tree Press, Jonathan Janz, and Netgalley for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

4/5 Stars

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