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Dwarf Story

This was such a fun book to read. It is aimed towards elementary school children but I really enjoyed it for the humor that was sprinkled throughout the book. I read parts out out to my 10 year old son and he really liked it because of the storyline and the humor as well. It is written from multiple points of view which made it interesting and refreshing. The writing is very fast paced and I have to admit that at some points I did have to put it down to take a break. I have always been fascinated with folklore and the mystical creatures in it and this book has it in galore. The creatures were endearing aside from one "psycho" (lol), and I really loved "Peanut's" character. I just wish that there was an appendix at the back to explain the types of fairies and other creatures, as well as the Gaelic terms that were used. I would also have liked to seen some sources so children whose interest was piqued could follow up with non-fiction books/articles, websites on the subject matter. All in all, it is a very nice introduction to not only the fantasy genre but folklore itself.

3/5 Stars

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