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The Pull of the Stars by Emma Donoghue

I am so glad I had the chance to read this book. I had read a previous novel by Emma Donoghue but I did not expect to enjoy this book even more than the first book.

I have always been fascinated by the Flu Pandemic of 1918 and it was basically family lore as my great grandfather died in the pandemic.

Nurse Julia Powers works in a ward with expectant mothers who have contacted the flu. Julia has already had the flu which is one less worry for her. She is dealing with tragic and heart breaking situations where no matter how hard she tries she is going to lose some patients. Each death of a mother or baby lays heavier on her heart. She is also trying to look after her brother who came back from the Great War psycologically scarred.

I became so emotionally involved with Julia and her patients. It must have been awful during the pandemic. They didn't really know the exact cause of the pandemic, or how to treat it effectively. Antibiotics did not exist at that time. I also appreciated learning more about Doctor Kathleen Lynn who was a rebel on the run from the police.

Once again, I ended up in tears at the end of a book by Emma Donoghue. I was so happy for her but then devasted at the end. No, I will not give any spoilers away. This is another exceptional novel by Emma Donoghue.

4/5 Stars


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